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Licensing of a Restricted Associate Physician

The original law was passed in 2018 and since then has undergone various revisions. The law in Utah has some prerequisites in order to be considered for licensure.
Effective Date: 4 May 2022
The Utah Medical Practice Act (58-67-101), amended in 2022, includes licensing, provisions, and collaborative practice agreement. Since this document is for all medical practitioners, you will need to search through the pdf to find all the sections related to an associate physician.
The Collaborative Practice Agreement
Am I eligible to become an AP in Utah?
Did you graduate from a US Medical School within the last 3 years?
Did you pass Steps 1 & 2? Was Step 2 within the past 2 years?
You also must be proficient in English, can not be currently enrolled in a residency, and can not have completed a residency.
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